localTarget Center.
CidadeMinneapolis, Minnesota.
Horario e data22 Horas(horario de Brasilia) 24/10/2010
Theme Song
- Singles match for the WWE Championship.
Randy Orton (c) vs. Wade Barrett (with John Cena)
Randy Orton (c) vs. Wade Barrett (with John Cena)
United States Champion vs. Intercontinental Champion.
Daniel Bryan vs. Dolph Ziggler
Daniel Bryan vs. Dolph Ziggler
Team Raw vs. Team SmackDown (WWE Bragging Rights Tag Team Elimination Match).
Team SmackDown (Big Show (captain), Rey Mysterio, Jack Swagger, Alberto Del Rio, Edge, Tyler Reks and Kofi Kingston (with Hornswoggle (mascot) vs. Team Raw (The Miz (captain), R-Truth, John Morrison, Santino Marella, Sheamus, CM Punk and Ezekiel Jackson)
Team SmackDown (Big Show (captain), Rey Mysterio, Jack Swagger, Alberto Del Rio, Edge, Tyler Reks and Kofi Kingston (with Hornswoggle (mascot) vs. Team Raw (The Miz (captain), R-Truth, John Morrison, Santino Marella, Sheamus, CM Punk and Ezekiel Jackson)
- Singles match for the WWE Divas Championship.
Team Lay-Cool (Layla or Michelle McCool) (c) vs. Natalya
Team Lay-Cool (Layla or Michelle McCool) (c) vs. Natalya
Buried Alive match for the World Heavyweight Championship.
Kane (c) (with Paul Bearer) vs. The Undertaker
Kane (c) (with Paul Bearer) vs. The Undertaker
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Tem como me conseguir a luta do John Cena e a do Randy Orton?
COMO SACO O TORRENT? omg o tracker da erro e diz q preciso registo no xtremewrestling